About the mission

When I was 19 years old, I encountered Jesus in a powerful way. Being set free from depression and addiction, I was now completely awakened to the freedom the Christ brings and passionate about giving my life to Him. I continued to have supernatural encounters with God and spend much of my time praying, fasting, and fellowshipping with the believers of this small, humble church on the San Francisco Peninsula. At the age of 20, I went to a Christian Bible College and the first week I was there, I had a dramatic encounter with God that would forever change my life. Before this encounter, my world was very small, and I would seek to serve God in my church and neighborhood, and not only had little desire to minister to others outside of California, but I had fear of traveling outside of my little bubble.

I was sitting on the floor at a table during a Mission's Banquet that the college put on. We were given a small plate of rice and lentils, and told that this is the typical meal of the poor of India, and that the portion we were given was more generous than what they would have in 1 day, and it was not much on our plates. I looked around the room and suddenly I was taken out of my body into a trance in the Spirit. This was the second experience like this, and many more would come. 

where did I go?

I was taken into a foreign country, at first I was scared, having no idea where I was. People were speaking other languages, but I understood them. I saw the poor, the widows, the orphans, and my heart changed. The Lord began speaking to my heart about how He feels towards the lost and forgotten in the nations, He showed me not only how He felt, but invited me to live in that space with Him. To live a life where my world is not about me, but about His heart. Then I was quickly taken to another scene. In this scene, I was standing on the street of a typical American neighborhood with white picket fences, and turning toward a house, I saw a man and children coming out of the house and a little dog running toward me. The Lord spoke to me and said, "I will bless you to have this life if this is what you desire. My heart will be with you no matter what." It felt like a choice the Lord was giving me, a life of being a single Missionary or rooting in America and settling down with a family. I took that encounter and my worldview changed. My bubble burst, and I began my journey toward learning about and loving on the Nations of the World.



I have a deep desire in my heart to help support the body of Christ and Houses of Prayer in the Middle East. Some of that looks like serving administratively, giving of my time and skill to workers in the east, resources and connecting those who are isolated with prayer and logistical support, and creatively, whatever else I can do as the Lord leads.


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